«Zur Linde» Restaurant, Rotkreuz

A ceiling height that many chefs dream of offers not only an open sense of space with plenty of natural light. High windows that do not have to deal with the steam from the roasting pan or combi-steamers built into niches require foresighted planning by all those involved.

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About the project

Coordinated planning for maximum benefits

The concept for this kitchen ventilation system was designed in collaboration with the architect, building services expert planning and professional kitchen planning. The virtually room-high window façade was a particular challenge. A generous capacity had to be ensured for the clouds of steam generated above the fryer near the window. A special EMK central hood was able to solve this problem. Fatty vapour is kept in check above the immission point and cannot spread in the direction of the window. This reduces the cleaning effort and has a positive impact on the kitchen’s hygiene. In this ceiling system, the main focus was on the requirements of the architectural layout, which was implemented by the EMK project development department using a combined system.

Through specially adapted ceiling ducts, both the kitchen’s visual and ventilating requirements were met as best possible. By successfully overcoming challenges of this kind, EMK continues to position itself as a leading manufacturer and installer of efficient commercial kitchen ventilation systems.

Implementation plan (PDF)



Surface area

56.00 sm




  • System consulting
  • Project development


  • Exhaust air ceiling
  • Guided fresh air ceiling system
  • Central hood
  • Condensate hood
  • Lighting


Boasting expertise, passion and a deep understanding of our products, our dedicated team will always be glad to assist you in finding a tailor-made solution for you.

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